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MFG Library Website: English - Of Mice and Men

John Steinbeck's 112th Birthday

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Dust Bowl Timeline

1910-1920's: The Southern Plains of the US become a vast area for growing wheat with farmers clearing millions acres to create fields.

1929: The Great Depression begins and prices for wheat fall lower and lower. Farmers plow up more grass to make more fields to try to grow more crops. Many farmers are not able to maintain their farms and leave them abandoned.

1930's: A drought begins and lasts 8 years. Huge swaths of land that used to be covered with grasses are now open dirt. Dry conditions plus the usual winds of the plains create huge drifts of dirt and dust "storms".

1930's: Families flee the Southern Plains, moving westward into California causing a great migration.

"Legacy | THE DUST BOWL". The Dust Bowl. N. p., 2017. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.