Use the drop down menu to find more information on your chosen topic.
Don't forget! A lot of the sites linked here have OTHER pages you can use. These sites can have more information, not just the specific page you get taken too. Search around!
Search the Catalogue
Click on this link then click on 'Sign in with Google' to access the MFG Library Catalogue.
Alternatively, you can use this document to help you organise your bibliography.
Issues in Society
We have a set of boxes called "Issues in Society" which cover... I'm sure you can guess. Most of the topics covered here are in these books, so head into the library if you would like to check them out!
Important research reminders
Take note of when an article was written. Keep in mind that things change over time, and that data could be outdated. Always use the most recent information you can find.
A page may have statistics on them, take note of the sources to see if they are reliable. A page may also have good, relevant information, but be 7 years old. The information itself may still be correct, but things like statistics will be outdated. Thers at least 1 page in this guide like this, so keep an eye out. It doesn't mean the stats are wrong, just that they are no longer current.
Don't lock yourself to the pages linked, click on links on the pages, look around the sites.
Understand WHO the information is for. Sites aim their content to a target audience, and it isnt always "student." It's fine to read information meant for someone like a business, as long as you understand the information may be biased or not applicable to what you need.
Don't forget to check out Worldbook! A database you search like Google, but with a focus on student learning, so you know you can trust what you find.