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English Across Time: Early Modern English 1500CE – 1800CE

Shakespeare: Metamorphosis | University of London

Lord's Prayer

The Lord's prayer : Early Modern English

O oure father which arte in heven, halowed be thy name. Let thy kyngdome come, thy wyll be fulfilled as well in erth as it ys in heven. Geve vs this daye oure dayly breede, and forgeve vs oure treaspases, even as we forgeven oure trespacers, and leade vs not into temptacion: but delyver vs from evell.

King James Version, 1611: Our father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heauen. Giue us this day our daily bread, and forgiue us our debts as we forgiue our debters; and lead us not into temptation, but deliuer us from euill.