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Biology - Genetics and/or Reproductive Science: Home

Resources to support Year 11 Biology Unit 2 Outcome 3 : a written research report of an investigation into genetics and/or reproductive science

Teachers' Resources

Centre for Genetics Education Information in the form of fact sheets about genes, genetics and transgenics. Students will find information about patterns of inheritance, changes to chromosomes, genetic testing, screening and prevention, technology implications, various genetic conditions eg. Thalassaemia, Cystic Fibrosis, Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Huntington Disease, Haemophilia, Cancer etc. 
Genetics biotechnology Links related to the themes genetics and biotechnology.

Genetics and Ethics

Genetics and ethics Information about consumer rights and the labelling of food products, the ethics of patenting genes, eugenics, animal rights and welfare, the regulation of genetic engineering and the environmental impacts of new organisms.

Gene Technology

Gene Stories From the BBC: topics include history, health, future humans, ethical and social issues, DNA detectives and genetically modified food. 
Gene Technology in Australia This site aims to explain the science of gene technology, and describe what Australian scientists are doing. It also covers some aspects of the public debate on gene technology. 
Genetic testing and genetic screening 
Labelling GM foods The Australian New Zealand Food standards site 
More food, cleaner food Gene technology and plants, Australian Academy of Science

Gene Technology Issues

Does genetic research threaten our civil liberties? By Philip Bereano, Ph.D., J.D. 
Issues and bioethics Issues focuses on scientific breakthroughs that have propelled biotechnology.  Ethics looks at complex decisions that affect a few individuals or an entire social group or society. 
Global issues Genetically engineered food 
Greenpeace Genetically engineered food 
Social, ethical and economic implications of Genetic Engineering A guide from S-cool for revising the topic. 
High School bioethics University of Pennsylvania

Online access to The Age newspaper

Genetics Websites

Australian Sites - Google the following 'Australia and of the following research centers'

Better Health Channel – use your keywords

Center for Genetics and Society

Centre for Genetics Education (NSW Health)

Dept of Health (Aust Govt)

Genetic and Rare Disease Network

Genetic Alliance Australia

Human Genetics Society of Australia

Better Health Channel - Australia

Genetic Diseases and Disorders (HealthInsite)

Other sites

Genetic Basics From the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences. 
Genetic disorders Detailed information on genetic diseases and conditions related to genetic disorders. 
The genetic science learning centre From the University of Utah. Interactive simulations on a variety of topics, including DNA, genes, chromosomes, proteins, heredity, cells, blood types, and RNA. Build your own DNA molecule and protein. 
Genetics Education Center From the University of Kansas.
Genetics Information about DNA, chromosomes, genes, forensic science, finger printing and cloning. 
Genomic revolution From The American Museum of Natural History. 
Understanding genetics From TheTech.


Human Genome Project

Designer babies

Designer babies An article presenting the view in opposition to having a pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, in order to create a 'saviour sibling', where a serious disease threatens the life of a living child. 
Designer baby bid gets go-ahead A 2006, BBC news article about 'a couple from Leicester have been given permission by the fertility watchdog to have a 'saviour sibling' in a bid to help their sick 20-month-old daughter.' The article is accompanied by related news articles and websites. 
How designer children will work How Designer Children Will Work describes how how gene manipulation can produce designer babies. Topics include mapping the human genome, genetic pre-screening and choosing from the genetic menu. 
Mother carrying designer baby A BBC news article, 2004, about 'a woman who was given permission to have embryo screening treatment in a bid to save her son is carrying the UK's first 'designer baby' '. The article is accompanied by related news articles and websites.
Reproductive Genetics Institute The Reproductive Genetics Institute is a provider of fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), as well as pre implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and prenatal diagnosis. The website provides information about various procedures. The Media section is particularly helpful. 
Who's afraid of designer babies? This BBC website provides questions and answers about designer babies and genetic technology. Topics include pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), cloning and gene therapy. The webpage also includes links to related sites.

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Library Resources - Books

Issues in Society series titles

Assisted conception Volume 315

Genetically modified foods and crops Volume 309

Human genetics and ethics Volume 433

Human genetics: Ethics and issues Volume 294

Organic and genetically modified food Volume 405


Other non-fiction books








  • Read all about it! Genetics by Robert Snedden

Call Number 174 SNE

  • Cloning and genetic engineering by Nicola Barber

Call Number 174.2 BAR

  • Genetic engineering: The facts by Sally Morgan

Call Number 174.25 MOR

  • Beliefs, values and traditions by Ann Lovelace & Joy White

Call Number 291 LOV

  • The Cell: Evolution of the first organism by Joseph Panno

Call Number 571.84 PAN

  • Breakthrough genetics by Tony Hooper

Call Number 575.1 HOO

  • Genetic engineering by Nigel Hawkes

Call Number 575.10724 HAW

  • Genetics by Richard Beatty

Call Number 576.5 BEA

  • Applications of genetics by Jennifer Gregory

Call Number 576.5 GRE

  • Genetics for dummies by Tara Rodden Robinson

Call Number 576.5 ROB

  • Medical technology by Robert Snedden

Call Number 610.28 SNE

  • The First test tube baby by Fiona Macdonald

Call Number 618.1 MAC

  • Which tests for my unborn baby: A guide to prenatal diagnosis by Lachlan de Crespigny & Rhonda Dredge

Call Number 618.32075 DEC



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